17th Electronics Packaging Technology Conference (EPTC 2015)
02 – 04 Dec 2015
Marina Mandarin, Singapore
- Process and Design Optimization of Lead-frame Packages for Molded Underfill Process Through Mold Flow Simulation
Authors: Daniel Ting Lee Teh, Jun Dimaano, Preecha Joymak, Apinan Seetao, Kunawut Noisorn - The 1-up strip warpage control of lead frame package
Authors: Gu Bin, Jun Dimaano, Seow Fui Shi, Dr Nathapong Suthiwongsunthorn - GaN packages’ performance study utilizing FEM Analysis and actual assembly build for validation
Authors: Kyaw Ko Lwin, Jun Dimaano, T.L Teh Daniel, Carolyn E.T, Dr. Nathapong S, Saravuth S