UTAC is committed to corporate Social Responsibility along with Responsible Business Alliance (RBA) Code of Conduct, Business Values and Global Environmental, Health, Safety and Security.
Corporate Social Responsibility Policy
Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) Policy

We strive to provide a safe and healthy environment for our employees, contractors, suppliers and the communities in which we operate.

We recognize the importance of human rights, resource conservation, community wellbeing and business ethics.

We are committed to the prevention of pollution, injury and ill health in the workplace.
We shall continually improve the management systems and every solutions we offer through:
- Use of environmentally friendly materials and providing a safe plant and system of work
- Measures on pollution prevention and minimization, especially in our chemical and material handling
- Management and loss prevention with feasible advanced technology. Understanding and commitment to mitigate occupational health and safety risks including hazards elimination
- Adherence to applicable resource conservation and safe work practices and have worker or their representative to participate in the consultation. Commitment to comply with applicable local environmental, occupational health and safety legislation and other requirements including labor laws
- Ensuring that employment is freely chosen and not using child labor
- Ensuring appropriate working hours and wages payment in compliance with local labor law, including treating our employees fairly
- Non-discriminatory recruitment and freedom of association of all employees
- Zero tolerance on any form of bribery, corruption, extortion and embezzlement
- Fair conduct of business, advertising and competition
- Commitment to protecting the personal information of our customers, suppliers, and employees
- Providing appropriate communication channels for employees to raise any concerns without fear of retaliation